Lee, Charlotte, and Collier County

Mold Assessment & Clearance Sampling in Southwest Florida

Thorough Mold Assessment & Clearance Sampling in Southwest Florida

Mold assessment can identify the location, source, and extent of a mold problem and determine if you have an infestation. Mold clearance sampling and testing ensures that mold remediation was completed safely, effectively, and thoroughly. At Active Restoration, our experts have 20 years of experience in the industry. We are certified and licensed in mold assessments and testing, mold remediation, indoor air quality, and biocide application. We are also state licensed mold remediators and mold assessors. We offer reliable, swift mold assessments in Southwest Florida. We are also happy to send out mold clearance samples to our trusted third-party laboratory for other mold remediation companies, and for clients who didn’t use our mold remediation services.

What is a Mold Assessment?

A mold assessment is a method of identifying mold infestations and determining the severity of the problem. Our mold assessment process will determine the location, source, and extent of mold growth. We use a visual inspection method, air quality testing, and onsite physical testing to locate and confirm the presence of mold. We also look for signs of water damage, humidity, and moisture, which might indicate a hidden mold problem. We use our mold assessments to determine what level of mold remediation is necessary, and what the most effective mold removal solutions are. We will take samples from different areas and assess the potential for mold growth and the spread of mold spores. Once we have completed our mold assessment process, we can develop a plan for mold remediation, which is the process of removing mold, killing mold spores, preventing further spread and contamination, and removing contaminated material.

What is Mold Clearance Sampling?

Mold clearance sampling and mold clearance tests are methods used to confirm that mold remediation was successful. We incorporate mold clearance sampling and testing in our mold remediation process to ensure we have done a thorough, complete job and have eliminated all traces of mold. We use post-remediation verification to assess the success of mold remediation. We perform a visual inspection, an assessment of moisture and humidity levels, odor detection, and repeated onsite mold testing. We also send off samples to a trusted third-party testing laboratory if requested by another mold remediation company, or for clients who did not use our mold remediation services.

Why Mold Assessments & Clearance Sampling are Necessary

Mold assessments are necessary to confirm the presence of mold and evaluate the extent of the infestation. This helps our team determine which mold remediation services will be the most effective. The process also allows us to provide a more accurate estimate for the cost of mold remediation services and establish a more accurate timeline for our mold remediation process. Mold clearance sampling is the fastest and most effective way to confirm that another mold remediation company did a thorough job at mold remediation and removal. If clearance sampling and testing indicates that the mold problem was not thoroughly eradicated, you can hire another company to complete the job and prevent further damage and spread of mold spores.

Our Process for Third-Party Testing

We use onsite mold testing if we detect any traces of moisture, increased humidity, water damage, or mold. We only offer third-party clearance sampling and testing to other mold remediation companies, or to clients who did not use our company for mold remediation. We have a network of trusted, reputable third-party laboratories that we use for this purpose.
mold assessment

Why Choose Active Restoration for Mold Assessments

We are dedicated to improving the safety and health of our clients’ homes through indoor air quality services, water damage and mold remediation, and mold inspections and assessments. We are committed to ongoing education and training, and we stay on top of advancements, research, and trends in the industry. This allows us to provide the safest and most effective services to our clients. Our passion for indoor air quality and maintaining safe homes drives us to stay on top of our game and consistently strive to grow and evolve.

Schedule a Mold Assessment in Southwest Florida

Call us today or contact us online to schedule a mold assessment in Southwest Florida. We can also conduct onsite testing or mold clearance sampling and testing through one of our trusted third-party laboratories. Our team has extensive experience in mold testing and assessments, and we work hard to ensure that each client’s home is restored to safety and comfort.
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