Lee, Charlotte, and Collier County

We Offer AC Duct Cleaning in Southwest Florida

AC Duct Cleaning & Deodorization in Southwest Florida

Over time, your air ducts become coated with dirt, dust, bacteria, microbial growth, pet dander, hair, and other contaminants. Eventually, these particles will make their way into your home through your air vents, affecting your home’s indoor air quality. Scheduling annual or seasonal air duct cleaning will significantly reduce the amount of dirt, dust, and biological contaminants in your home. At Active Restoration, we specialize in AC duct cleaning and deodorization in Southwest Florida. Both duct cleaning and deodorizing can improve your home’s indoor air quality and help you and your family breathe easier. Call us today to schedule a consultation for an air quality assessment, air duct cleaning, or duct deodorization.

What is Indoor Air Quality?

Your home’s indoor air quality is simply a measurement of the cleanliness of the air inside your home. The fewer contaminants and particulates in your home’s air, the cleaner it is. Common contaminants that negatively affect your home’s indoor air quality include:
These pollutants can enter your home through open doors and windows, door and window screens, and holes and gaps around doors, windows, and other areas of your home. Poor indoor air quality can have short-term and long-term effects on your health. You might develop new or worsening asthma or allergy symptoms, or respiratory problems. Improving your home’s indoor air quality can reduce these symptoms.

Signs You Need Air Duct Cleaning

Your AC ducts and vents should be cleaned and inspected seasonally or annually, depending on the weather in your specific region. If your area experiences high winds and heavy storms and/or has poor outdoor air quality, you should schedule seasonal air duct cleaning. Here are some signs you need air duct cleaning:

How AC Duct Cleaning Helps Indoor Air Quality

AC duct cleaning removes harmful contaminants and allergens that would eventually make their way into your home through your air vents. Regular duct cleaning also extends the lifespan of your HVAC system, reducing the need for repairs and preventing equipment failure. AC duct cleaning also improves the efficiency of your HVAC system, meaning it won’t have to work as hard to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Your energy bills might decrease, and your home will be more comfortable.

What is Air Duct Deodorization?

Air duct deodorization goes a step beyond air duct cleaning. If your ducts and vents have moldy, mildewy, or musty odors coming from them, deodorization can solve the problem. AC deodorization is a preventive measure as well, as it makes it less likely that odors will show up in the future. Our air duct deodorization process neutralizes foul odors coming from vents and ducts without negatively affecting your home’s indoor air quality. After your duct cleaning, we use a safe, non-toxic deodorizer spray to fog your air ducts and vents. Once it dries, all odors are neutralized.

Why Choose Active Restoration for AC Duct Cleaning?

We have over 20 years of experience in the indoor air quality industry. We are committed to helping our clients improve the safety and cleanliness of the air in their home. Our techniques and methods will make your home’s air easier to breathe and can reduce or eliminate allergens and contaminants. We are dedicated to staying on top of the latest trends, advancements, and research in the industry to ensure we’re always offering the safest and most effective methods of improving indoor air quality. We hold numerous certifications in the industry as well:

Schedule Air Duct Cleaning in Southwest Florida

Call us today or contact us online to schedule air duct cleaning in Southwest Florida. We offer AC duct cleaning, duct deodorization, and indoor air quality assessments. Our indoor air quality assessments determine how clean your indoor air is so that we can find the safest, most effective solution. We also offer pet odor neutralization for homes to further reduce foul odors and contaminants.
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