Lee, Charlotte, and Collier County

We Offer Pet Smell Removal in Southwest Florida

Fast, Thorough Pet Smell Removal in Southwest Florida

Foul pet odors can affect the comfort of your home and make you embarrassed to invite people over. At Active Restoration, we offer fast, thorough pet odor neutralization that will improve the comfort, health, and safety of your home. We use proven methods to rapidly neutralize pet odors so that you will be proud to show off your home once again. No matter how many pets you have, we can find a safe, effective solution for pet odor problems. Call us today to schedule a consultation for pet smell removal in Southwest Florida.

Signs You Have a Pet Odor Problem

Over time, you get used to foul odors and you might not even notice them anymore. But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. If you have pets, there is a high likelihood that you have become ‘nose blind’ to certain pet odors. This means that you don’t notice them anymore—but visitors will. Call us for pet odor removal if you notice any of these signs of a pet odor problem in your home:

Why Hire a Professional for Pet Odor Neutralization 

Hiring our professionals for pet odor neutralization ensures the problem is taken care of swiftly, safely, and completely. We can remove stubborn stains and pet odors from almost any material or surface. We use advanced methods for detecting old or hidden pet odors and stains, so no area is left uncleaned. Our pet odor neutralization methods are carefully chosen based on the number and type of pets you have, their habits and age, and your lifestyle. We use specialized, non-toxic enzymatic cleaners that break down the bacteria that cause pet odors, and then use a special deodorization process to neutralize odors and refresh your home.

Our Pet Odor Removal Process

We first do a visual inspection of high-risk areas of the house where animal odors might appear. We use special equipment and technology to inspect fibers and surfaces to see if there are signs of urine or feces. This equipment identifies odor-causing stains, even if they are years old. We then test these areas to confirm the presence of bacteria and odor-causing substances. This will help us identify what specific odor neutralizing tools and cleaners will be most effective. We use a specialized, non-toxic enzymatic cleaner that is pet-safe, child-safe, and eco-friendly. This cleaner eliminates odors and kills bacteria deep within the fibers and pores of surfaces. Our incredibly powerful cleaners ensure that all foul pet odors are eliminated safely, quickly, and effectively. We also use a powerful extraction tool to vacuum all cleaning fluid out of carpeting, rugs, and other textiles so that they are clean, dry, and fresh.
We can neutralize pet odors from:



Rug pads




Pet bedding

Drapes and curtains


Wood floors



Rug pads




Pet bedding

Drapes and curtains


Wood floors

Other Ways to Prevent Pet Odors in Your Home

Once we have completed our pet smell removal process, you can take steps toward preventing the problem from occurring again:

Why Choose Active Restoration for Pet Smell Treatment

Our team has over 20 years of experience in the indoor air quality industry. We have a strong history of safely, effectively neutralizing pet odors in homes and improving indoor air quality. We use proven, tested methods to identify problems and find the safest, most effective solution. Our goal is to make our clients’ homes safer, cleaner, healthier, and more comfortable. We hold these industry certifications:

Reduce Pet Odors in Your Home in Southwest Florida

Call us today or contact us online to schedule a consultation for pet smell removal in Southwest Florida. We can assess the problem and determine the fastest, most effective methods of pet odor neutralization. We will quickly ensure your home smells fresh and that it is completely safe from foul odors.
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